Beosound Stage Alu with black cover

Beosound Stage Alu with black cover


Original packaging available. 

The Beosound Stage is equipped with 11 fully-fledged drivers that each deliver 50 watts. The company says that of the 11 divers, a number of larger woofers are provided. The Beosound Stage thus creates extra deep tones and a beautiful bass. Furthermore, the new soundbar supports Dolby Atmos for an immersive 3D audio experience. B&O would have provided the right material for this so that the soundbar can also be updated in the future.

The soundbar offers connectivity such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Chromecast, AirPlay 2 and finally the possibility of multiroom. The soundbar also receives a number of audio profiles depending on your purpose. So you can choose between TV, music, film, evening music or just nothing. With the B&O app you can get extra functions to change the EQ of your Soundbar Stage.

Additional information

Weight 9 kg
B&O PrijsActuele B&O list price : 2099 €
Garantie6 Months
Gewicht6 Months
KleurAlu with black cover
Optische staat95 %
Technische staat100 %

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