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B&O list price: 7000 euros
Can be equipped with wall brackets +150 euros or floor stands +300 euros instead of table stands.
Covers available in Light Oak, Oak and Dark Oak.
BeoLab 8! A compact speaker that is very versatile in its application.
Original packages available .
You can use these perfectly as a surround speaker on your existing Bang & Olufsen installation, but these speakers can also be used as a stand-alone stereo speaker pair so that you can immediately stream music to the speakers.
Play music via Airplay 2, Google cast, internet radio, Bang & Olufsen multiroom, Tiday, Spotify and Deezer
Wisa, WiFi and powerlink to connect the speaker in every possible way
1 in stock
Dokter van de Perrestraat 182
2440 GEEL
+32(0)474 735925
VAT BE0689.961.493
Woensdag – Vrijdag – Zaterdag
11u00 – 17u00
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DanishLounge is geen erkend B&O-dealer of serviceverlener en is niet gelieerd aan Bang & Olufsen
Disclaimer: The names Bang & Olufsen, B&O, the B&O logo and many of the product details & photographs given on this site are the property and copyright of Bang & Olufsen of Denmark which is in no way associated or affiliated with this site. The information on this Web site is provided only as a guide to potential B&O owners as a service to collectors of B&O products.